相信浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn)旅行最怕的就是選錯飯店或旅館~住起來不舒服的話
住了這間浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn)真棒^0^住起來超舒服的,
如果您想尋找一家交通方便的香港飯店,那沒有比浪濤軒更合適的選擇了。 在這裡,旅客們可輕鬆前往市區內各大旅遊、購物、餐飲地點。 飯店位置優越讓遊人前往市區內的熱門景點變得方便快捷。
為使客人感到賓至如歸,浪濤軒盡一切努力提供最優質的服務和最優良的設施。 客人可享受飯店的一些服務:可寄放行李, 會議設施, BBQ燒烤設備, 餐廳, 送洗服務。
您將能真切地感受到浪濤軒的特有的氛圍,它體現在每一間精心規劃的客房中。完善的貼心設施與服務隨處可見,如: 空調, 書桌, Mini Bar, 陽台/露台, 鬧鐘, 除此之外,飯店各種娛樂設施一定會讓您在留宿期間享受更多樂趣。 不管您來香港是出差還是旅行,浪濤軒都能讓您在留宿期間擁有一段難忘的回憶。
為使客人感到賓至如歸,浪濤軒盡一切努力提供最優質的服務和最優良的設施。 客人可享受飯店的一些服務:可寄放行李, 會議設施, BBQ燒烤設備, 餐廳, 送洗服務。
您將能真切地感受到浪濤軒的特有的氛圍,它體現在每一間精心規劃的客房中。完善的貼心設施與服務隨處可見,如: 空調, 書桌, Mini Bar, 陽台/露台, 鬧鐘, 除此之外,飯店各種娛樂設施一定會讓您在留宿期間享受更多樂趣。 不管您來香港是出差還是旅行,浪濤軒都能讓您在留宿期間擁有一段難忘的回憶。
- 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的可入住人數限制了解詳細規定。
If guests require a reservation of more than 5 nights, they are requested to contact Concerto Inn directly and room payment is required in advance.
If typhoon signal no. 3 or above is hoisted until or passed 3:00 pm, no cancellation charge is required.
Please note that Concerto Inn offers barbecue-style dinner only.
Please note that the onsite cafe is only open 09:00 - 21:00, and kitchen last order at 20:00 (except on Wednesday at 17:00)
For those who check in with pet, an additional deposit and cleaning fee will apply. Please kindly contact the property for more information in advance.
Please be noted that this is a dogs' friendly hotel and pet推薦 accommodation is charged HKD 200 per room per night. Guests are also required to pay HKD 1000 as room deposit.
All credit card registration has to be matched with guest's personal identification during the booking, otherwise third party authorization is compulsory. Concerto Inn remains the right to refuse any claims if the credit card information and guest's personal identification given have discrepancies, all liabilities are to be laid between the guest and credit card registrant. Concerto Inn will 'NOT' reimburse any charges for any no show reservation and none responsibilities to be taken in accordance to the actual credit card registrant.
If typhoon signal no. 3 or above is hoisted until or passed 3:00 pm, no cancellation charge is required.
Please note that Concerto Inn offers barbecue-style dinner only.
Please note that the onsite cafe is only open 09:00 - 21:00, and kitchen last order at 20:00 (except on Wednesday at 17:00)
For those who check in with pet, an additional deposit and cleaning fee will apply. Please kindly contact the property for more information in advance.
Please be noted that this is a dogs' friendly hotel and pet推薦 accommodation is charged HKD 200 per room per night. Guests are also required to pay HKD 1000 as room deposit.
All credit card registration has to be matched with guest's personal identification during the booking, otherwise third party authorization is compulsory. Concerto Inn remains the right to refuse any claims if the credit card information and guest's personal identification given have discrepancies, all liabilities are to be laid between the guest and credit card registrant. Concerto Inn will 'NOT' reimburse any charges for any no show reservation and none responsibilities to be taken in accordance to the actual credit card registrant.
浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 推薦, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 討論, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 部落客, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 比較評比, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 使用評比, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 開箱文, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 推薦, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 評測文, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) CP值, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 評鑑大隊, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 部落客推薦, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 好用嗎?, 浪濤軒 (Concerto Inn) 去哪買?